Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bandera: It All Ends and Starts Here.

It has been a year since I last wrote a blog about my "running." The last blog was about my longest completed race, Bandera 100K. This one is about endings and new beginnings.

It all ends here. (Funny that my ultrarunning all started at Bandera 50K two years ago). I don't know for how long, because I still have "something in the basement" as Rocky Balboa said in Rocky 6. I've been running injured with plantar fasciitis in my left foot since June 2015...and dragging on with it to complete Colorado Bend 30K, Reveille Peak 60K, and Cactus Rose 100 (dnf'ed at mile 62). I went on to complete 2 road marathons, a few long runs, and finally got some sense and decided Bandera would be my last. I was just tired of running tired and hurt. I figure that 4 weeks or so will give me time to heal and decide my next move. 

It all starts here. Bandera 50K, 2016. Not for me, but for my wife Kathy. She started running in 2014...I guess she saw that if her chubby husband could "run" then she could too. So she did. And it is no joke when I say that the wrong Montalvo has been running ultras. She is a beast. So, she dabbled with 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, her first 25K at Mesquite Fire this past year...then pushed on to her first trail race outside of the Valley at Wild Hare 25K. Then...McAllen Road Marathon in December and on to Bandera 50K this past weekend. She never looks tired at the end of a race. She makes it look sooo easy! So I joked with her at Bandera that she should do Cactus Rose 50 Miler. The seed has been planted. Not many husbands get to complete an ultramarathon with their wives...but I got to! She is amazing!

Well, only time will tell how long it will take to heal and recharge. My good friend Kyle and I have conversed about all this...I trust him with all things running as he has been a close friend since we were kids and he is a lifelong runner and triathlete. He thinks I can come back stronger and faster. I hope he is right...because Kathy is going to be tough to keep up with at Cactus Rose this fall.